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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

origin of the testis and where they descend tooriginate at L2 retroperitoneal space inguinal canal scrotum
parts of the epididymishead body tail sinus of epididymis
what do the ducts of the epididymis continue asductus defferens
name coverings of the testis in layerstunica vaginalis (peritoneum) divides into two layers : epiorchium (visceral peritoneum) and periorchium (parietal peritoneum) cremaster muscle (int. oblique muscle and traverse abdominis) tunica dartos
what does the spermatic chord extend betweenbetween scrotum and inguinal canal
contents of the spermatic chordductus deferens testicular artery testicular plexus deferential plexus artery to ductus deferens pampiniform plexus
what does the ductus deferens extend betweenscrotum - spermatic cord - inguinal canal - crosses ureter -
parts of ductus deferensscrotal funicular inguinal pelvic ampulla ejaculatory duct
location of seminal vesicle glandsbehind urinary bladder above prostate
location of prostatesub peritoneal- under the peritoneum below the urinary bladder
parts of the prostatelobes- left, right and middle apex base post. and ant. surface prostatic urethra
location of bulbourethral glandsabove the bulb of the penis inferior surface of deep transverse perineal muscle
extent of urethra and it's partsinternal urethral orifice- external urethral orifice intramural prostatic membranous spongious
parts of the penissee below
testicular vein of which side drains into the renal vein and then inferior vena cavaeleft testicular vein left renal vein inferior vena cava
what does the right testicular vein drain intodirectly into inferior vena cava
anomalies of the testismonorchism anaorchism polyorchism cryptorchism
blood supply pf the prostatemiddle rectal artery inferior vesicle artery internal pudendeal artery
narrowings of the male urethraintramural part membranous part spongious part
widening of the male urethraprostatic part fossa navicularis ampulla
anomalies of the penisepispadia hypospadia
blood supply of the penisdeep artery of the penis dorsal artery of the penis urethral artery all of them come from internal pudendal artery