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level questions: level 4

Daniel David Palmer argued that all disease is caused by subluxated bones, which 95% of the time are spinal bones, and which disrupt the flow of innate intelligence.Subluxation theory
Daniel David Palmer in 1897 established the __, now known as the __, in Davenport, IowaPalmer School of Cure, Palmer College of Chiropractic
The first state law licensing chiropractors was passed in what year?1913
A type of therapy in which the hands are used to manipulate the spine or other parts of the body.CHIROPRATIC THERAPY
a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the muscoskeletal system, especially the spine.Chiropractic
is a health care professional focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.chiropractor
Therapeutic Exercise (Chiropractic therapies/treatments)1 Strength Training 2 Flexibility Training 3 Endurance Training 4 Stability or Balance Training
Is an important way to prevent scar tissue from forming. Even after the spinal injury has healed, maintaining a regular stretching program helps keep tissues flexible, increases mobility, and protects you from new injuries.Therapeutic stretches
, in which traction devices are applied to distract areas of the spine. This treatment helps gently separate the vertebrae resulting in disc decompression, reduced nerve root pressure, and less painSpinal traction
Chiropractors uses a variety of hands-on soft tissue therapies to improve the function of the soft tissue ( muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joint capsules).Soft tissue manual therapy
Guidelines on the National Certification of Chiropractic Competency standard on Certification of Chiropractic practice and Code of EthicsPITAHC Circular No. 01 series of 2010