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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Factors Affecting Consumer Decisions (4!)1. Psychological Influences 2. Sociocultural Influences 3. Government Influences 4. Economic Influences
Psychological Influences (4)-Perception (positive/favourable perception of product) -Motives (reason for consumer's choice.,cleanliness) -Attitude (consumer attitude/opinion to business) -Personality (eg. fit person buys fitness items)
Sociocultural Influences (4)-Family & Roles (role in family-parent) -Peer Groups (person belonging to group share same beliefs..) -Social Class (education, income) -Culture & Subculture (eg.emo,furry)
Government Influences-Government policies influence level of economic activity and consumer spending habits. -eg. laws prohibit false advertising, influences business to run differently. Will protect and adjust consumer spending habit.
Economic Influence-Enormous impact on consumers; willingness and ability to spend -eg. During economic boom, consumers are willing to spend because of secure job and income. During recession, there is low level of consumer spending.
Consumer rightsaka consumer guarantees. Basic rights consumers expect when buying product or service.
consumer rights when buying Service-Care and Skill (competent service provider) -Fit for Particular purpose (service can be used for certain use) -Provided with Reasonable Time (services, weather)
consumer rights when buying Product-Acceptable Quality (appearances, durable) -Fit for particular Purpose -Matches Description (written/spoken description from business) -Matches Sample/Model -Repair and Spare Parts (from importer/manufacturer) -Title to Product, Undisturbed Possession, No Hidden Debts or Charges (previous owner doesn't owe money for product)
Who is ACCC? What do they do?Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Enforce fair trading and regulating for benefits of all. ACCC can educated businesses about rights/obligations, and investigate/enforce mislead consumer guarantee.
Who is CHOICE? What do they do?Advocacy group in Aus that helps consumers with anythign consumer-related. Offers legal advice, general/personal financial counselling services.
Marketing 4PsProduct (quality,design) Price (discount, payments) Place (retail location, delivery) Promotion (ads)
Social Media. What are its benefits?eg. blogs, social networks, crowdscourcing. Offers business cheap method to directly interact and create strong relationship with the customers, develop customer loyalty, and refine their target customer marketing. Creates competitive advantage.
Limits of Social mediaConsumers can write negative review, criticism. Potential legal problems can arise (misleading claim, copyright concern).
Blended Marketing. What are its benefits?Marketing that is BLEND mix of internet (online) and traditional (offline) marketing. Creates a wide-ranging and comprehensive marketing strategy. Reaches people both with social media and without.
Open InnovationCreating opportunities for a business. Businesses might bring in external (other businesses) ideas and technologies into its own innovation process. -Getting ideas from other businesses to gain a competitive advantage.
What is Ethical ConsumerismPractice of purchasing products/services in a way that minimises social/environmental damage.
What is Unethical ConsumerismPractice of purchasing products/services in a way that HARMS social/environmental damage.
How can a business act Unethical?Bad working conditions for workers, false accounting, harassment, data privacy, discrimination.
How can a business act Ethical?Promote mental and physical health of workers, integrity, respect, good working conditions
InnovationCreating a new product, or improving (developing) a product. Innovation gives business a competitive advantage.
elements of campaign marketing-research -publicity -promotion -advertising -evolution