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level: Classification processes

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level questions: Classification processes

What is the order of the Linnaean hieratical systemKingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
Define asexual reproductionThe organism is capable of reproducing an offspring in the absence of a mate.
Define sexual reproductionThe production of new organisms by the combination of genetic information of two individuals of different sexes.
Define characteristics of R selected speciesHigh growth rates, many offsprings, low survivability
Define characteristics of K selected speciesSlow growth rates, fewer offspring, high survivability
Define cladisticsBiological classification system that involves the categorization of organisms based on common traits and characteristics.
Define a cladeA group of biological taxa (such as species) that includes all descendants of one common ancestor.
Define taxaA group of organisms classified as a unit.
What is the Lincoln index?A statistical measure which allows for the estimation individual species populations. They are captured, marked, and released.
What is an interspecific hybrid?The cross breeding of two different species from the same genus, which produce an infertile offspring. (eg. a mule)
What is Specht's classificationIdentification of an ecosystem type through observation of canopy cover, and the height and form of dominant vegetation.
Define a quadratA frame or square placed on the ground of an ecosystem, where anything within the frame is counted.
Define a transectA straight line that cuts through a natural landscape so that standardized observations and measurements can be made.
Define stratificationThe vertical layering of a habitat; the arrangement of vegetation in layers
Define an ecoregionAn area defined by its environmental conditions, especially climate, landforms, and soil characteristics.
Define the biological term, speciesTwo individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.
Define a habitatA habitat is a place where an organism makes its home.
What is the primary assumption made in a phytogenic tree?All sequences are homologous, therefore all from a common ancestor.
Identify one example of an interspecific hybrid that does not produce fertile offspring.A mule (a hybrid between a donkey and horse)
Explain how stratafied sampling minimises biasStratified sampling reduces bias by dividing the population into distinct groups and sampling proportionally from each group, ensuring a representative sample.