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level: Housing Laws/Regs

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level questions: Housing Laws/Regs

Abolishes slavery13th amendment of 1865
All citizens have property rights...state discrimination illegal, private discrimination still legalCivil Rights Act of 1866
People born in the US are citizens14th Amendment of 1868
Depression era law creating US Housing Authority, giving subsidies to states for housingHousing Act of 1937
JFK. Federal Govt wont discriminate in housing that it owns/runsEx Ord 11063 of 1962
LBJ. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of color, race, or national origin for programs that receive federal financial assistance.Civil Rights Act of 1964
Early reg that protects LEP individuals (dont speak english)Title VI of CRA of 1964
LBJ. US Govt/Contractors cant discriminate in hiringEx Ord 11246 of 1965
LBJ. Bans discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion and national origin in housing xactionsFair Housing Act of 1968
What year did MLK get killed?1968
Added sex as protected class for buying and rentingHousing & Comm Development Act of 1974
Handled discrimination in lending and financeEqual Credit Opportunity Act of 1974
Outlaws redlining, adds Loan Application Register, etcHome Mtg Disclosure Act of 1975
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving fed $$Age discrimination Act of 1975
Encourages lending institutions to meet the needs of borrowers in the local communities in which they are chartedComm Reinvestment Act of 1977
Reagan. HUD in charge of assessing penalties for FHA of 1968. Removed $1000 cap on punitive damages. Added Familial Status and Handicap to protected classesFair Housing Amendments Act of 1988
Mirrors Fed housing law. Enforced by SC Human Affairs CommissionSC Fair Housing Law of 1989
Details the type of advertising prohibited under the Fair Housing Act'Advertising Guidelines' (HUD book)
Clinton. Created Presidents Fair Housing Council to coordinate fed agencies to pitch in on fair housingEx Ord 12892 of 1994
Clinton. Addresses Environmental impact on poor and their housing situationEx Ord 12898 of 1994
Method by which HUD investigates advertising illegalitiesGuidance Regarding Advertisements Under §804 (c) of the FHA (1995)
Clinton. Improve LEP access to federal servicesEx Ord 13166 of 2000
GWB. Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities, part of New Freedom InitiativeEx Ord 13217 of 2001
Issued rule that protects LGBT renters and homeowners from discriminationFair Housing Act rule change in 2011
Copied rule that protects LGBT renters and homeowners from discriminationNAR Ethics Code change in 2011
Applicants get free copies of all appraisals and other written valuations, 30 days decision time, etcECOA Reg B, circa Dodd-Frank 2013