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level: Cranial Nerve Action

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level questions: Cranial Nerve Action

Olfactory Nerve Actionsensory, smell
Optic Nerve Actionsensory, sight
Oculomotor Nerve Actionmotor, relays info from brain to effectors like muscle, involved in eye movements. Cannot move eye down and out, not abduct the eye. Also has autonomic functions (involuntary) like eyelid elevation, pupil constriction, changes in shape of lens
Trochlear Nerve Actionmotor, moves eye down and out through depression, abduction, inward rotation
Trigeminal Nerve Action(Trigeminal in General) mixed, having both sensory and motor fibres. 3 branches that aid in facial, and-teeth, sensation as well as sensation from front and middle third on tongue (anterior 2/3). Motor fibres assist in mastication (biting and chewing)
Abducens Nerve Actionmotor, last of the 3 nerves involved in eye movement. Abducts the eye
Facial Motor ActionMotor controls facial expression. Sensory fibres involved in taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue. Involved in saliva and tear secretion.
Vestibulocochlear Motor Actionsensory, hearing and balance
Glossopharyngeal Motor Actionsensory, taste and sensation of the posterior 1/3 tongue. Motor fibres involved in swallowing and saliva secretion
Vagus Motor Actionaka wandering nerve, supplies a wide range of structures. On sensory side it carries sensation from pharynx, larynx, abdomen…Involved in taste using a flap of tissue at back of the throat known as epiglottis. Motor fibres assist in swallowing and speech. Autonomic functions such as decreasing heart rate, GI tract contractions, sweating
Accessory Motor Actionmotor, helps shrug shoulders, turn/tilt head
Hypoglossalmotor, moves tongue, Intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles
Trigeminal Ophthalmic Motor Actionsensory, Scalp, forehead, nose
Trigeminal Maxillary Motor Actionsensory, cheeks, lower eye lid, nasal mucosa, upper lip, upper teeth and palate
Trigeminal Mandibular Motor ActionSensory: anterior 2/3 tongue, skin over mandible, lower teeth Motor: muscles of mastication