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level: Verbs

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Verbs

to loveamar
to hateodiar
to celebratecelebrar
to be pregnantestar embarazada
to be bornnacer
to give birthdar a luz
to be married/toestar casado/a con
to break-up withromper con
to be separatedestar separado/a
to be divorcedestar divorciado/a
to separatesepararse
to be singleestar soltero/a
to divorce fromdivorciarse
to get engagedcomprometerse
to be deadestar muerto/a
to get married tocasarse con
to be in loveestar enamorado/a
to be hurtestar herido/a
to fall in love withenamorarse de
to be hurtestar dolido
to go out withsalir con
to be a widowser viudo/a
to diemorir
to be engaged withestar compermetido/a con
to wantquerer
to seem (indirect pronouns)parecer
to get along/bad withllevarse bien/mal
take care of petscuidar a las mascotas
wash your clotheslavar la ropa
to clean your roomlimpiar el cuarto
to fixarreglar
to take out the trashsacar la basura
prepare mealspreparar comida
wash the disheslavar los platos
to go shoppingir de compras
to do your homeworkhacer la tarea
to mow the lawncortar el césped
take care of siblingscuidar a los hermanos
set-up the tableponer la mesa
to make the bedhacer la cama
the last nameel apellido
homeel hogar