level: Level 9
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 9
Question | Answer |
relentless | implacable |
sour | agria |
bully | matón |
pour | verter |
raw | crudo |
to plug in | enchufar |
by accident | sin querer |
to numb | adormecer |
cautious | cauteloso |
it pisses me off | me cabrea |
screeches | chilla |
to access | acceder |
in advance | antelación |
veal | ternera |
to submit | someter |
stepdaughter | hijastra |
knob | pomo |
nosy | metiche |
nosy | metida |
omen | presagio |
spread | unta |
ups and downs | altibajos |
give birth | dar a luz |
cricket | grillo |
lust | lujuria |
outstanding | sobresaliente |
sneaking out | escabullirse |
locks | cerraduras |
swimming | natación |
promote | fomentar |
riddle | acertijo |
dim | tenue |
shameless | descarada |
to attach | adjuntar |
outsider | forastero |
to sign up | inscribirse |
as soon as possible | cuanto antes |
barbed wire | alambre de púas |
snail | caracol |
waffle | gofre |
checkers | damas |
troublemaker | alborotador |
screwdriver | destornillador |
to sob | sollozar |
conceited | engreído |
leisure | ocio |
detour | desvío |
grumpy | gruñón |
branch | sucursal |
requirements | requisitos |
bladder | vejiga |
To massage | sobar |
package | bulto |
wisdom teeth | cordales |
wink | guiño |
lightbulb | bombilla |
rib | costilla |
sprain | esguince |
ointment | pomada |
to tow | remolcar |
wrinkles | arrugas |