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level: Prime Minister and his Cabinet

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level questions: Prime Minister and his Cabinet

What is a Cabinet Government?-Government System that has the Cabinet act as the Central Policy Making Body
What features would be found in a Cabinet Government?-Cabinet is the Central Decision Making Body -Any Disputes in Government be resolved in Cabinet -The Cabinet would need to approve Policy so it can be 'Official Governmental Policy' -PM was Primus Inter Pares (First Among Equals.) -PM has a Higher Status than his Colleagues, but still needs them to make Decisions
What is a Prime Ministerial Government?-Government System where the PM dominates Government and Policy Making
What features would be found in a Prime Ministerial Government?-PM Controls the Agenda of Cabinet Meetings -PM use Media, as well as Parliament and Cabinet, to get Messages to the Public -Cabinet full off PM's Supporters (usually) -PM uses a lot more Prerogative Powers ie Foreign Policy is Conducted by the PM, not Cabinet
In Policy Formulation, what is the Role of Cabinet? -How else can this Government Function be carried out?-Cabinet will dish out the Government's general Priorities over what the Legislation should have -However, in more Detail, Individual Policy comes from Smaller Groups. -The Ban on Smoking in Pubs was Debated in Cabinet, but the Wording was from the Department of Health
In Dealing with Crisis, what is the Role of Cabinet? -How else can this Government Function be carried out?-Cabinet will Meet in Harsh Times to 'show Unity' and agree to go Forward together. Black Wednesday saw the Cabinet to decide on Economic Policy -PM can also rely on Experts, COBRA or just a few Ministers. Blair only cared for Geoff Hoon (Defence) Jack Straw (Foreign Sec) and others for Iraq
In Controlling the Parliamentary Agenda, what is the Role of Cabinet -How else can this Government Function be carried out?-Cabinet can be the Forum where Ministers Compete to Win Parliamentary Time for Legislation their Department wants to pass -Decisions on Prioritising Legislation can be elsewhere - 2010-15 Coalition saw the 'Quad' (Cameron, Osborne, Clegg and Alexander) to discuss Lib Dem and Conservative Policies
In Approving Decisions made elsewhere, what is the Role of Cabinet? -How else can this Government Function be carried out?-Cabinet simply just endorses. Policies are Approved that had their roots started not in Cabinet but perhaps Small Cabinet Committees -PM can make Cabinet Committees that talk, come up with, and Decide Policy. Johnson used Covid-19 Committees to Implement Policies regarding Health, Economics and Public Services
In Settling Disputes, what is the Role of Cabinet? -How else can this Government Function be carried out?-Cabinet has Heads of Departments compromise and Debate on Policy Positions ie Funding. Scraping the Educational Maintainece Allowance for 6th Form Students was Agreed in 2010-2015 Coalition when there was More Funding provided for it -Disputes can be Resolved elsewhere ie Bilateral Meetings between Individual Cabinet members and the PM. May and the Chancellor Philip Hammond had Tense Convo regarding the Scrapping the Rise in National Insurance Contributions
What is COBRA? (COBR)-The Civil Contingencies Committee handles National Emergencies or Major Crisis. It is usually Chaired by the PM, and Senior Ministers Attend for the Government Departments needed, as well as Experts in the necessary Field.
How can the Size of Majority 1. Limit the Power of Cabinet 2. Enhance the Power of Cabinet1. PM with a Large Majority can feel they can 'Ignore' the Cabinet, knowing Plenty of Backbenchers can back their Policies and will be Promoted should the Member of Cabinet leave. Blair and Brown said the Bank of England to be Independent without Telling Cabinet 2. PM with a Small / No Majority needs Cabinet's Support to stay Influential. Major had to get Opt-Outs on the Maastricht Treaty after Black Wednesday and Fearful European Integration
How can Prime Ministerial Preference 1. Limit the Power of Cabinet 2. Enhance the Power of Cabinet1. PMs may like to Bully/Cajole Cabinet Members to Take in the PM Ideas. PMs may also like o be Secretive and consult their Advisors for making Decisions. May had Fiona Hill & Nick Timothy write a substantial Part of the 2017 Conservative Manifesto, without Consulting Cabinet 2. PMs may like their Cabinet Members and Delegate Decision Making. Cameron allowed Michael Gove a Free Hand in Making Education Policy
How can the Characters within Cabinet 1. Limit the Power of Cabinet 2. Enhance the Power of Cabinet1. PMs use Patronage Powers to make sure the Cabinet is Loyal to the PM. Johnson only allowed MPs that agreed with his Brexit Policy in his Cabinet 2. Senior Cabinet Members (Big Beasts) may Influence the Promotions to Cabinet. Blair had to keep allowing more 'Brownites' instead of 'Blairites' to Satisfy Gordon Brown
How can the Issue and the Important 1. Limit the Power of Cabinet 2. Enhance the Power of Cabinet1. Issues of Secondary Important will be given to the PM. Blair went ahead with his Millennium Dome. The Issue was not seen as Important Enough for Cabinet to Resign Over. 2. Those with more Difficult Decisions will need Cabinet to be Consulted more. Brown scrapping the 10p Tax Band Rate was Discussed thoroughly as Cabinet Members threatened to Leave