1. DRY MIXING of ingredients to achieve homogenous powder dispersion.
2. WET MASSING to produce a sufficiently plastic wet mass.
3. EXTRUSION (pushing the wet mass into a dye) to form rod-shaped particles to form uniform size
and diameter; The extrude produced must have
enough plasticity to deform but not so much that
the extruded particles adhere to other particles
when collected or rolled in the spheronizer
4 SPHERONIZATION (transition from cylindrical particles
into cylindrical particles with rounded edges, into
dumbell shape, into ellipsoids, and finally into
5 DRYING to achieve the desired moisture content
6 SCREENING; achieve the desired narrow size distrib.
uniform spherical shape,
uniform size,
good flow properties,
reproducible packing into hard gelatin capsules,
high strength,
low friability,
low dust,
smooth surface,
ease of coating
o Desired drug-release characteristics
o Once coated, they will maintain the
properties in uncoated pellets