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level: Influence and Power of the UKSC

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level questions: Influence and Power of the UKSC

How can the UKSC prevent Parliament from Abusing power and the Government?-The Courts will Enforce the ECHR when looking into Executive Actions and Judicial Review -Courts can NOT set a Parliamentary Legislation aside, but can Deem it Incompatible with the ECHR, applying Pressure to the Government -The Courts can impose Common Law, to assert Citizens Rights -Courts imposing the Rule of Law, treating all Citizens Equally. This comes as a result of Judicial Review -Ultra Vires, the courts can Decide if a Public Body has Overstepped in their Constitutional Powers, or Legal Powers -Public Inquiries can attempt to Force the Government to take Actions
What Areas do the Judiciary come into Conflict with Government?-Criminal Cases: Judges want to be Free when determining Cases by the nature of such; Governments, responsible for Law and Order, imposes Minimum Sentences for some Crimes -Rights: Judges have a Duty to Protect Human Rights, which may go Against Government's wishes for National Security on Terrorism -Freedom of Expression: Government aims to Control Religious Extremism, via Prosecution, Judges aim to protect Freedom of Expression -Freedom of Information: Government believes for National Security some Information should be Secret - the Judges argue that is Ballocks. -Judicial Review: Judges are becoming more Open to hear Appeals from Citizens against Public Bodies that might have acted Unlawful, Overstepping, Discriminating or Negligent. Governments say Judicial Review can make Governing Hard
What does the Ultra Vires mean and imply?-Means 'Beyond its Powers' -Prevent Public Bodies from acting Unlawful -Common Subject of Judicial Review -Citizens and Organisations can Appeal against Decisions of Public Bodies, on Appropriate claims -The Result, if a Case is Successful Against the Public Body is the Decision being Cancelled and, maybe, Compensation. Or it lead to Nothing
How can it be described that the UKSC is too Powerful?-Judicial Review gives the Unelected Judges too much Influence on Public Policy. The 2 Brexit Judicial Reviews in the UKSC led to Brexit being delayed, despite Public Approval in the 2016 EU Referendum -Creating the UKSC paved the way to a more Active and Critical Court on the Executive and Legislature - especially on issues like Terrorism, Human Rights and Immigration. -HRA gives the UKSC power to Interpret the ECHR which may conflict with Governments trying to Fight Terrorism and Immigration. In 2019: the Home Office policy of Detaining Asylum Seekers was deemed 'false imprisonment
How can it be described that the UKSC is NOT too Powerful?-The Court needs to wait for a Case to be brought before it - it can not Start Judicial Review. The number of Judicial Reviews are on a Downwards Trend due to cuts to Legal Aid -Politicians undermined the Independence of the UKSC and Judiciary. For example, the setting of minimal Sentences terms for Offences means Judges have less Flexibility -Courts simply making sure Rights are Protected. A Powerful Executive with a Majority in Parliament Determines the Range and Scope of Rights. In 2013: The Justice and Security Act allowed 'closed material proceedings' (Secret Courts) into the Justice System. Essentially there were concerns about a Fair Trail being eroded