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level: Level 1 of CHAPTER 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of CHAPTER 1

What is Business Intelligence (BI) ?- The use of computer technology (IT) to enhance decision making, drawing information from within the company and from outside the company Definition of BI - An umbrella term that combines databases, analytical tools, applications, and methodologies
What does business Intelligence (BI) do?- Uses various tools and techniques to structure data so that it can be used for decision making
what are some Drivers of BI?1. Increasing need to improve business operations 2. Increased computing power and connectivity 3. Vast amount of data that is now available 4. Legal requirements to report accurately and quickly
what is the Evolution of BI?DSS → EIS → BI Data -> Information -> Decisions
What is the Objective of BI?– Give ready access to information in a form that is easily understood – Graphs, charts, tables, etc. – Transform data to information to decisions to actions
what are the 4 major components of BI?1. Data Warehouse – data collected and stored 2. Business Analytics – a collection of tools for manipulating, mining, and analyzing the data in the DW (e.g., Power BI) 3. Business Performance Management – for monitoring and analyzing performance 4. User Interface – e.g. a dashboard for accessing the information
what is Transaction Processing (OLTP)?– Computer systems (IT) that automate the operations of the company. E.g., ATM, payment terminals at grocery stores, changes in bank balances – Supported by operational databases – Called online transaction processing (OLTP) – ERP systems (SAP)
What is Analytic processing (OLAP) ?– Computer systems (IT) that support decision making – Data is copied from the operational databases into a separate database called a data warehouse – Data Warehouses – organize the data to make it easy to create reports for decision-making – Stored company data from OLTP used to analyze what is happening in the business
Transaction Processing (OLTP) vs Analytic Processing (OLAP)• Transaction Processing (OLTP) – Used to automate operations – Efficient for transaction processing – Inefficient for ad-hoc report generation – Requests for reports created by IT staff • Analytical Processing (OLAP) – Used for analysis – Data is a snapshot of company data at a point in time – Data stored in data warehouses – Data reorganized and structured in such a way that it was fast and efficient for querying, analysis, and decision support.
4 best practices for implementing BI1. Decide IF BI can meet needs of the business 2. Standardize IT infrastructures - standardize transaction processing systems across compony 3, Focus on usability of the user interface 4. Ensure high data quality - consistent handling of data -accurate and complete records
ALL three business analytics ( Descriptive, Predictive, Prescriptive)Descriptive = past and present Predictive = future and why it is happening Prescriptive = what should we do and why
What does Descriptive analytics enable?- Business reporting - dashboards -scorecards -data warehousing
what is the outcome of Descriptive analytics?well-defined business problems and opportunities
What does Predictive analytics enable?- data mining - text mining - web/ media mining -forecasting
what is the outcome of Predictive analytics?accurate projections of future events and outcomes
What does Prescriptive analytics enable?-optimization -simulation -decision modeling -expert systems
what is the outcome of Prescriptive analytics?best possible business decisions and actions
What is big data ?- Big Data is data that cannot be stored or processed easily using traditional tools/means