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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

This is the process of creating a data model for the data to be stored in a database.Data modeling
This is a conceptual representation of data objects, the associations between different data objects, and the rules.Data model
This helps in the visual representation of data and enforces business rules, regulatory compliances, and government policies on the data.Data modeling
This is a representation, usually graphic, of a complex "real-world" structure.Data model
This are used in the databased design phase of the Database Life Cycle.Data model
This is a detailed, logical representation of the data for an organization or for a business area.Entity-relationship model
This is expressed in terms of entities in the business environment, the relationships (or associations) among those entities, and the attributes (or properties) of both the entities and their relationships.Entity-relationship model
This is the graphical representation of an entity-relationship model or ER model.Entity-relationship diagram
This is either a person, a place, an object, an event or a concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data.Entity
These are properties of an entity.Attributes
These defines the information about the entity that needs to be stored.Attributes
This is an entity type that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances.Associative entities
This is an association representing an interaction among the instances of one or more entity types that are of interest to the organization.Relationship
This is a meaningful association between (or among) entity types.Relationship type
This is an association between (or among) entity instances where each [BLANK] associates exactly one entity instance from each participating relationship type.Relationship instance
These are crucial to data modeling and providing names and definitions for entity types, attributes, and relationships.Business rules
These are statements that defines or constraints some aspect of the business.Business rules
These are intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the behavior of the business.Business rules