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level: Organic Society/State

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level questions: Organic Society/State

What does Organic Society mean? How does this Link to Conservative's Core Values?-Implies that Society as a Human Body, which is Linked to One Nation Conservatism -Every Part of the Body has a Specific Function; without it, the Body falls Apart. Even one part being Changed damages the Body. But when everyone is Playing their Party Healthy, the Body will Flourish -This suggests there should be No Attempts to Transform Society, or Disaster will Ensue. Also linked to Hierarchy as Within Society, there will be Various Classes and Groups but they can live in Peace as Part of a Larger Whole
How can Organic Society help Humans? What do Conservatives say?-Fragile Weak Humans are provided a Sense of Security, as it provides clear Roles and Purpose of each one of us. -Connects us to Social Groups, Institutions, Workplace and Religious Community and even the Nation -This view of Society is linked to how those with Money and Power have a Duty to Tender those Less Affluent. This is called Noblesse Oblige, which also Rejects Atomism
What is Atomism?-Refers to how Humans are Self-Seeking and Unconnected to Others. Some Conservatives see Humans as just Selfish, and Society as a Collection of Isolated Individuals -This is Connected to Laissez-Faire Economics
What does Noblesse Oblige mean?-Those Wealthy have to Take Care of thus Less Well off.
What Disagreement comes from Organic Society?-Traditional Conservatism stand behind this, who Rejects Individualism as Individuals are Evil Beings -But New Right Supporters see Individual Rights and Freedoms more Important, and some Prominent Figures like Thatcher declared 'There is no Such Thing as Society, only Individuals' -One Nation Conservatism may stand with Traditional, as David Cameron Rejected the Statement said by Thatcher