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level: New Right

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level questions: New Right

Why is the New Right Contradictory?-The New Right contains both Radical, Forward Looking and Reactionary Ideas, and is Linked to 2 Contrasting Political Traditions -One the one hand, Neo-Liberals believes in Rolling the State back to Free Individuals from Constraints -On the other hand, Neo-Conservatives believes in keeping Social Order and the Hierarchy. At its Heart, Neo-Cons believe in Individual being free from State Interference, but also Human Behaviour must be Restricted by Family, nation and Morality
What does the New Right say about Neo-Liberal Economics?-The New Right expresses a Need for a Return to the Past where the state interference in the Economy was much Less and where People followed Strict Moral Codes. -As Neo-Liberal Economics leads to Higher Unemployment and Inequality, Crime and Social Problems begin to Undermine Stability, so Tough Law and Order is Needed -Neo Right may downplay the Negative Effects of Excessive Capitalism and say overall, Economic Prosperity will be Achieved
When did the New Right become Popular in Britain and the USA? -Why is it Different to other forms of Conservatism?-During the 1980s, after the Failings of the Keynesian Mixed Economy Post War which led to Inflation and Recessions. -As well as Paternalistic Conservative Parties failing in the Poles, the New Right brought in a Radical Change in Social and Moral Values. It is very different to other forms of Conservatism for Numerous Reasons, for example, it is Ideological rather being Pragmatic, as well as believing in Human Rationality and Abstract Theories (Free Market)
What do Neo Liberals think of One Nation Ideas? (Economy)-When it comes to the Economy, the New Right (Robert Nozick) rejects One Nation's Ideas of Helping the Poor by Preventing Excess Capitalism -New Right thinkers made Governments the reason for the Economic Downturn during the 1970s and said there was a need to accept a Level of Unemployment and Successful Economic Policy only Prioritises Inflation via Control of Money Supply. One Nation would factor in Unemployment and Welfare -Government role would be ruled by, via Deregulation and Cutting Taxes, again rejecting One Nation ideas of perhaps Noblesse Oblige. Also New Right wants Gov to Protect property
Where do Neo-Liberals get their Economic thinking from? -What did this lead to in the UK?-Adam Smith, 18th Century Scottish Economist, who argued the 'Invisible Hand of the Market' guides Economic Policy -Neo-Liberals want a return to the past of Entrepreneurialism and Self Help. Voluntary Organisations, not the State, Help the Poor -Mass Programme of Privatisation swept in Britain during the 80s. -Neo-liberals and classic liberals both see the government as controlling and treating people like children, prioritizing the group over the individual. -
What are Neo-Liberal's views on Human Nature? -How does this impact their views on the State?-Contrasting View of Human Nature to Traditional and One Nation Conservatives -Believes in more Liberal Views of Autonomous Rational Individuals, who can Manage one Affairs -The State thus should be Minimal, allowing Free Individuals the Freedom to make Choices -Also seen is how the Welfare State creates a Dependency Culture, and the State should be cut to allow Individuals to again Manage their Affairs and do what they want. -Nozick said Welfare was a Violation of Property Rights (???) -'There is No Such Thing as Society, only Individuals'
Why do Neo-Liberals like Trickle Down Economics? -What do the other forms of Conservatism think about this?-Neo-Liberals Argue their policies like Little Taxes, Deregulation and so forth will lead to a 'Trickle-Down' Effect -If the Rich can keep more of their money, they can make more money, Employ more People, and Pay them better -Wealth will thus 'Trickle Down' to all Levels of Society. -This of course is another Abstract Idea and one that other Forms look with Caution. Where is its roots?
Where did Neo-Conservatism come from?-Also known as Conservative New Right, it came from the Radical Social Changes of the 60s and 70s, which would lead to Permissiveness. New Conservatives, and Neo-Liberals, are still active Today in Britain and America
What is Anti-Permissiveness and why do Neo-Conservatives believe in this?-This is the Rejection of the View that Individuals can make their own Moral Choices, like how many Sexual Partners one can have, Getting Divorced or more -This can link to the Traditional Conservative view that Humans are Weak and Selfish, as we can not make Moral Choices -Permissiveness also Challenges Authority and Hierarchy, again the Central Thinking of Conservatism. Permissiveness has been Blamed for Rising Crime, STD Rates and Divorce Rates.
Why can Neo-Conservatives be Described as Social Authoritarians?-The Fragile, Insecure Human needs Strong Discipline from Above -Inequality, seen as Nature and Desirble is a core Belief for all Conservatives, but Neo-Conservatives go Against Neo-Liberals as they advocate for a Stronger State for Law and Order (More Tax?) -Neo-Cons also support the Nuclear Family, even encouraging it via the Tax System, which uses the State to Encourage a Set of Moral Views
Why do Neo-Conservatives oppose Multiculturalism and Immigration?-Weakens National Unity and Patriotism. This may lead to an Adoption of a Strong, Aggressive, Xenophobic Foreign Policy