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level: Summary

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Summary

What are the Main Agreements and Disagreements on: Human Nature-All Conservatives believes Human Nature is Imperfect, Intellectually Limited and Insecure. Thus Authority is more Important that Individual Freedom, as well as Pragmatism is Needed rather than Abstract Ideas, which are Hard to Grasp -Neo-Liberals though take a more Positive Spin as Humans are Rational and can manage their own Affairs
What are the Main Agreements and Disagreements on: Society?-Most Conservatives agree Society is Organic and Naturally Hierarchical. Everyone has a role to Play and we need traditional structures to allow a Sense of Belonging and Safety -Inequality is Desirable and Nature and Rapid Changes shouldn't be Considered -New Right Conservatives believe in a more individualistic Atomistic View and see Humans as Self-Reliant. Change in Society is Desribable furthermore
What are the Main Agreements and Disagreements on: State?-Conservatives mainly Favour a Strong Hierachal State and see this as just a Natural -Leaders are just Born in Society, and we need Moral Guidance from them with Clear Rules and Punishment to break them -New Right conservatives take a more Classic Liberal Viewpoint, and what Limited government and Indivusdla Freedom ins Come, but not all Areas of Life (Law and Order)
What are the Main Agreements and Disagreements on: Economy?-All Conservatives respect the Need for Private Property, as it creates Identity, Pride, Respect, Hierarchy and Security -But Traditional and One Nation may facilitate government intervention to Keep the Status Quo by Shushing the Poor, but the New Right wants a Self-Help, Lassez-Faire Approach Free Market Economy