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level: Freedom/Liberty

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level questions: Freedom/Liberty

What do Liberals think about the Amount of Freedom Individuals have? -What is Negative Freedom?-Liberals believe Individuals, by Right, must have as much Liberty and Freedom as is Possible -Classical Liberals define Freedom as the Absence of Restraint, and one can do whatever one wants as long as it doesn't affect the Freedom of other People or the State -This is called Negative Freedom (Absence of External Constraints on Actions and Individuals' Totoal control over the Private Sphere of their Home and Life), which Isaiah Berlin coined. Many Early Supporters of this like John Locke, focused on the Issue of Property Rights and Economic Freedom - Free Trade.
What is Positive Freedom?-Goes Beyond Negative Freedom and states to be Truly Free doesn't mean the Absence of Restrain,t but also the Ability to Achieve Goals and potential -Modern Liberals may see that our Freedom shouldn't be seen in Isolation, but is Linked to the Freedom and opportunities of Others -Some Modern says that those without Resources will ensure some Individuals are never Free. Society can never Progress until Everyone can have the ability to Succeed and Advance. -Reform linked to the Extension of Freedom may include Provision of Healthcare, education and Housing - it gives Resources!
Why is Tolerance a key Liberal Principle? What does it Suggest for Society?-Tolerance refers the Acceptance of Wide Range of Lifestyles, Beliefs, Religions and more -Society must Tolerate a Range of Views and Lifestyles as long as they are not Restrictive of Personal Freedom -Tolerance is Rational, according to Liberals, and is Linked to individual Freedom and Choice -In the 19th Century, JS Mill developed this Theory to Protect Religious Freedoms and make a Free Marketplace of idea to allow a Progressive Society -Today, Liberals like having Diversity in Society, and that there are many ways to Live. Even defending the Freedom of Speech, though this is quite the Topical Debate