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level: Rationalism

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Rationalism

What is Human Rationality? -How does this affect their view on Individuals-The Belief that Humans have an Innate Understanding of Right and Wrong, and make Logical Decisions which are backed by Facts and Evidence - not Emotional Decisions -Liberals see Humans as able of Reason and Rationality - they are the Best Judge of their own actions and can make Decisions on what is Right and Wrong -Because of Critical Thinking, Examining Evidence, Noticing Bias and more, they may Mistrust Authority and Governments
Why do Liberals have an Optimistic View on Humanity?-Liberals do see Humans as selfish, but they can control their Future, thus meaning Humans have an Optimistic View of Humanity. Society will Improve! -Rational Individuals realise Cooperation and Compromise is Better and more Sensible than War -This leads to Tolerance and Harmony in Society, as well as linking the Liberal Belief in the Value of Education, and human Capacity to Learn
Where did the Idea of Human Reason and Rationality come from?-This dates back to the Enlightenment, and a Response to Early Ideas that Humans are Flawed, Weak Characters that are Controlled by Humans, needing the Guidance of a Monarch -Humans being Rational and Reasonable means there is no Point for a Strong Government, and Individuals should be as Free as possible