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level: Equality/ Social Justice

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Equality/ Social Justice

What is Foundational Equality?-The Idea we are born all Equal with Natural Rights which are Inalienable and Impossible to be Taken Away from us
Why do Liberals suggest when they Support Foundational Equality?-We all should be Judged by the 'Content of our Character' (Luther King Quote) and be Governed by the Rule of Law where the Law is applied to everyone Equalyl Furthermoe
What is Formal Equality? -How does this affect Politics?-Formal Equality suggests Equality must be Ensured by the Law and Treat Everyone the Same, regardless of Background, Gender -Liberals are Against Discrimination and thus this leads to Political Equality - One Person is Entitled to One Vote Only. All these Votes have Equal Value -But this doesn't mean Universal Suffrage. Hmm
What is Equality of Opportunities and why do Liberals support this? -What is the Outcome?-Everyone has the Same Chances to get on in Life and Achieve Goals and Ambitions, Regardless of Social Background and Factors -Liberals support this because of Positive Freedom and Individualism. But the Outcome means not Social Equality, as Humans have Different Talents and Abilities. This Contrasts Socialists.
Why do Liberals dislike the Socialist Viewpoint on Equality of Outcome?-Liberals argue Equality of Outcome is Unfair, Collectivist and Prevents Individual Liberty. While there is Difference on what Equality of Opportunities mean in Liberalism, there is a Consensus of no Equality of Outcome really.
What is a Meritocracy?-A Society where Everyone has the Chance to Better themselves, Based on Equal opportunity. -This is what Modern Wants, in contrast to the Classical view of letting the Individual Sink or Swim