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level: Common Humanity

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Common Humanity

What do Socialists believe about Human Nature? -For Example, Crime. What is it due to in a socialist view?-Humans are Altruistic, and we think of Others and Emphasise the Feelings and Sufferings of Others -Compassion is part of Human Nature, which can be Moulded by Circumstances -Socialists argue that we are the product of our Society and environment, and we can be understood only concerning others -Crime is an example: It is not due to some people being born bad, but because of the Impact of the Social Environment and Upbringing. -Thus, Socialists, all of them, have a Positive View of Humanity and argue we all have Potential for Improvement.
Why is Socialism linked with Internationalism?-Socialists reject ideas like Nationalism and argue Common Humanity crosses Borders which is why its linked with Internationalism -Class Consciousness will Cross State Borders, and socialists emphasise the Fraternity between people, which is the Brotherhood (or Sisterhood) of all. They believe in a Community