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level: Social Class

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Social Class

Who are the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie? -What would happen, according to Karl Marx?-In Fundamentalist Socialism, Marx and Engels made the Ideas there were 2 Classes in Society. The Proletariat (Workers) and the Bourgeoisie (Owners of Production) -Exploitation of the Proletariat would lead to the Development of a Sense of Class Consciousness, causing the Proletariat to form a Mass Movement based on Trade Unions, overthrowing Capitalism and establishing a Temporary Workers' State
What did Social Democrats think about Social Class?-Seeing the Middle Class develop, and the more Complex Mature Capitalism, Marx's views was slowly becoming Less Relevant -Social Democrats see Class Conflict as an Excluding Polarising Idea, and instead aims to Narrow Unjust Differences between Classes and allowing Harmony in Society to Develop, as well as Social Justice (Fair Distribution of Wealth and Opportunity in Society)
Why are there Arguments about Social Class in Socialism? -What does the Third Way say?-It is directly Linked to a Belief in Equality of Outcome -Access to Healthcare, Education, and Financial Resources is Determined by the Class you're born in, and is thus Out of Control of the Individual, no matter how hard they Work -Third Way doesn't even use Class Language, as they see it as Divisive and Prevent Left Wing Parties from appealing to a Mass of Voters. They prefer to Support the Underclass, or the Socially Excluded