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level: Revolutionary Socialism

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level questions: Revolutionary Socialism

What is Marxism?-Refers to a Revolutionary Socialism, where the Inevitability of Mass Uprising of the Proletariat leads to a Revolution -Marx said Historical Change occurred due to Clashes between Owners and Producers
How do Revolutionary Socialists want to Achieve Socialist Goals? -How did this theory develop?-They believe in Overthrow the Existing System and Replacing it with something Much Different -This occurred during the 19th Century, with mass Industrialisation and Excess Capitalism, Poor Working Conditions and more -It was very appealing when the Vote was also Completely Denied or given to the Bourgeois. Trade Unions were Illegal, Political Parties for the Working Class didn't Exist, and Workers had little rights
Why did Revolutionary Socialists believe Revolution was the only way?-No Alternative was viable, because the State was an Instrument of the Ruling or the Bourgeois Class, and it couldn't be Reformed but rather Smashed -Even if the Vote was Won, it wouldn't do much and act like a Trick, suggesting the Interests of the Proletariat wouldn't be Acknowledged
What Radical Means would Revolutionary Socialists use, and what would it lead to?-These Radical Measures would include Abolishing Capitalism, Class and Private Property. This is Communism -The results would be a Redistribution of Wealth, Class Division, and ensuring Absolute Equality. -Marx argued, this would require a Dictatorship of the Proletariat where the Revolution could Secure itself, and remove Enemies, before achieving full Communism.
What is Communism?-Where the Economic System is Owned in Common, not Individual, and Social Class + Inequality are Abolished
Why was the Russian Revolution of 1917 a Triumph for Revolutionary Socialists -What did this mean for the 20th Century?-The Russian Empire, not experiencing really Mass Industrialisation or Democracy, and quite Backwards and Feudal, saw Lenin adapting Marx's Ideas of a Mass Movement, to make the idea of an Intellectual Vanguard Class, leading the Revolution of the Peasants -The 20th Century, from that point on, saw Revolutionary Socialists rise up in the Anti-Colonial Movement in Particular. Other Revolutions are China, Cuba, Angola, Vietnam and more.
Why did Marx's Idea of the State 'Withering Away' prove Unsatisfactory?-The Opposite had instead Happened: Very Authoritarian States had Replaced Capitalism with a Collectivised Economy led to the Oppression of the Media, Oppositionist Groups and Rights -To Protect the Revolution, Governments had to be Disciplined and Strong. Thus the State really wouldn't Wither away like Marx hoped -The Collapse of the USSR significantly Reduced the Revelencnce of Revolutionary Socialism