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level: Social Democracy

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level questions: Social Democracy

What does Eduard Bernstein say about Revisionism? -What does Revisionism mean?-Social Democrats are called usually Revisionists or Reformists Socialists, and Eduard Bernstein in the Early 20th Century Re-Examined Earlier Theories in light of Current Events -Reformism supports Gradual and Peaceful Change, rather than Smashing and promoting Revolution -Revisionism means a Rejection of Revolution as it was Violent and Unnecessary. The Franchise was being Extended and Capitalism was more Complex and Enduring than Marx hoped for
What is Evolutionary Socialism? -Why did this Counter Marxism?-Achieving Socialist Goals via Democratic, Peaceful and Parliamentary Means. Using the Ballot Box and Political Reforms -Again, Bernstein had Developed this idea -This meant Revolution was not Necessary Desirable and Inevitable, and instead, a Focus on Democracy was the Best Way to Achieve Socialist Goals, and also to Support Trade Unions and other Cooperative Movements in their Campaigns to Improve Workers Rights
What does Social Democracy thinks about State Intervention?-While they do accept Capitalism with varying Support, they believe in a Strong Interventionist State to Restrict Excess Capitalism and provide a Welfare State to create Equality in Society. Like Sweden and Norway
What is Gradualism?-Revolution isn't Inevitable, but rather Parliamentary Socialism is -Gradualists say Revolution isn't the only way to achieve Socialist Goals, and rather Peaceful and Democratic Ways can be utilised. -This form of Socialism attempts to Unite the Nation without Class Divisions
Why did the Labour Party in the UK represent Reformist Socialism? -How does this link with their View on the State?-In the Later Part of the 19th Century when the Economic and Social Positions of the Workers Improved, they (not yet) would get the Vote and be more integrated into Society through other measures, like Trade Unions -A Socialist Party, Labour, thus would be Created to Attract the support of Newer Voters and also the working class due to its pledges of Equality -The Working Class would become the Majority of the Electorate, and the Socialist Party would be in Power and use the Neutral State to create a Socialist Society. Thus, they disagree with Marxists that the State is a tool for the Bourgeois and it can be Moulded to Fulfil any Role assigned to it by Those in Power
How Critical are Social Democrats of Inequalities caused by Free Market Capitalism?-Very, but they accept that Capitalism is Amazing for Creating Masses of Wealth as they see the Economic Failure of the USSR as a clear reason why State Central Planning is not good -So they want to Reconcile Socialism with Capitalism, and Narrow Social and Economic inequalities via Welfare and Redistribution. Using Progressive Taxation allows the Money to go from the Top to the Bottom -Social Democrats want to see a Mixed Economy, and allow Private Enterprise and State Control of 'Heights of the Economy; like Water and Electricity -Keynes, while a Liberal, really did shape State Intervention post World War 2