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level: Summary

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level questions: Summary

What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement when it comes to: Human Nature-All Socialists have a Positive and Optimistic View of Human Nature. They also believe in Collectivism, where the Individual is Understood only as Part of a Group. -Marxists advocate for collectivism, viewing people as inherently social and altruistic. In contrast, Social Democrats lean towards a degree of individualism, and the Third Way distinctly endorses individualism.
What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement when it comes to: Society-Most Socialists believe in Equality of Outcome and Redistribution of Wealth to allow a more Just and Fair Society for All. -All Socialists believe in Cooperation and Fraternity to Achieve Common Goals -Marxists believe in Revolutionary Methods and a Complete Transformation of the Political System to achieve this, while Social Democrats want more Peaceful, gradual changes via the Democratic System -Social Democrats only want to see the Income Gap Narrowed and Third Way Supporters care for Reducing Poverty and not the Gap
What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement when it comes to: State-Socialists do Agree the State makes Inequality and Represents the Interests of the Ruling Class -Marxists say the State is a Tool of the Bourgeoisie and must be Destroyed -Social Democrats see the State as a Neutral Body that can be Harnessed to implement Socialist Reforms
What is the Main Agreement and Disagreement when it comes to: Economy-Most Generally are Opposed to Capitalism and the Free Market -Though, Marxists want the Abolition of Capitalism and allow Common Ownership -Social Democrats want a Mixed Economy -Third Way embraces Capitalism and Rejects all Alternatives
Why was there a Gradual Deradicalisation of Socialism?-Spread of Democracy -Rise of the Middle Class / Decline of the Traditional Working Class -Globalisation -Opposition of the Media and the Establishment