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level: Individualist Anarchism

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level questions: Individualist Anarchism

Where does Individualist Anarchism come from?-Having its Origins in the USA, and also closely linked to Liberalism, the Lone Sovereign Individual is an Important -Much of Individualistic Anarchism is Philosophical, not Political - it doesn't care to set out to explain how Society should/would function -Individualistic Anarchism cares much less for Equality
What does Egoism state?-This theory states the Selfish Individual can Act in any way they Choose, regardless of the Outcomes
What does Anarcho-Capitalism state?-Arguably not even Anarchism at all, it is the Belief that the Free Market can Provide the Essential Services previously Provided by the State -This allows for True Freedom, as its based on Contracts, Voluntarily Entered into -Competition leads to the Best Prices and Services. In this form on Anarchism, Inequality will arise