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level: Key Thinkers

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Key Thinkers

What did Emma Goldman (1869-1940) say about the State?-Goldman argued it wasn't possible to Restrict the Powers of the State, so Voting was Useless. The Modern State was Violent, and Abusive Force, and to be Truly Free the Individual had to be in Full Control of their Working Lives
What did Goldman say was needed to be a True Anarchist-Goldman said you had to live the Ideals yourself, actively restricting authority and oppression, Challenging Unjust laws and Social Norms, and Building Alternative Forms of Organisation based on Voluntary Cooperation and Mutual Respect. Also on building a more Just and Equitable Society -She was sent to Prison Several Times, Deported, Attacked the US and USSR Political Systems, Campaigned for Birth Control, and much more
What did Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) believe in generally?-An Anarcho-Communist, who believed Humans are Naturally Social and Collective, he Rejected Authority of any Type, and also Capitalism as it is Incompatible with Freedom -Like all Anarchists, he believed in Revolution, and that People should live in Small-Self Governing Communes with Absolute Equality and Collective Control of the Means of Production
What did Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) think about Authority?-Borna Russian Aristocrat, Kropotkin had rejected All Forms of Authority -1902 saw 'Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution' which said the most Cooperative Animal Species (Ants, Bees) rather than the most Competitive were the most Successful. -He developed the idea of Mutual Aid, where Individuals would Cooperate on a Voluntary Basis in order to Exchange Goods
What did Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) think about Mutualism?-Proudhon developed the Economic System Mutualism, which was a form of Anarchism that Differentiates between Private Property (Exploiting others) and Possessions (Tools of a Trade) -The Skilled Artisan would enter Voluntary Economic Contracts with others and he (Proudhon didn't Include Women) would be able to borrow from a Non-Profit Making Credit Bank
What did Max Stirner (1806-1856) think about Egoism? -What is a Union of Egos?-In 'The Ego and His Own' (1844) Stirner said the Individual is Purely Egoistical, with little interest in the Welfare of others, unless this can Benefit themselves -Without the Oppressive State, Sovereign Individuals would come together out of the Selfish Need for Security. and because working with others is Rational, even if it is not Natural -This would come from Self-Interested Humans driving voluntary actions. Individuals use Society to Advance their own Aims