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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

by the look of thingsjudging by the info we have now
squashto crush sth into a flat shape
fortnighta period of 2 weeks
overhearto hear what other pp are saying without intending to and without their knowledge
puzzlingdifficult to explain or understand
an hour or so45 to 75 mins
from time to timesometimes
(every) now and then/againnot often
snack oneat small amount of sth as a snack
live ononly eat a particular type of food
portionthe amount of food served to or suitable for a person
pick up a bargainfind and buy sth on sale for less than its usual price
come/get to grips with sthmake effort to understand and deal with a problem
learning curvethe rate of s.o's progress in learning a new skill
give a great deal of thought to sththink a lot about sth
desperatelyextremely or very much
turn aroundto cause a situation or organization to change in a positive direction
under your beltlearned or succeeded in, and now a part of your experience
cut sb/sth offto prevent pp from reaching or leaving a place, or to separate them from other pp
mark outto select for some particular purpose in the future
set asidetiết kiệm
let the side downto behave in a way that disappoints a group of pp that u are part of
anticlimaxa dull or disappointing ending to a play, activity after increasing excitement
cateringcông việc cung cấp lương thực, thực phẩm
give s.o the businessto make difficulties for s.o, treat harshly, scold severely
get on one's nervesto annoy s.o a lot
keep s.o companyto stay with s.o so that they are not alone
in those daysin the past
these daysused to talk about present time, in comparison with the past
one of these dayssome time in the near future
one of those daysa bad day, full of problems
in the meantimethe time while sth else is happening
to one's amazementvery surprisingly
simultaneouslyat the same time