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level: Level 1 of chapter 5

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level questions: Level 1 of chapter 5

Scarce resources are;often referred to as limited resources, are resources that are finite and not abundant enough to satisfy all the wants and needs of people.
Scare resources might be allocated by;o Market price. o Command. o Majority rule. o Contest. o First-come, first-served. o Lottery. o Personal characteristics. o Force.
what is Consumer surplus?Is an economic concept that refers to the difference between the maximum amount that a consumer is willing to pay for a good or service and the actual price that they pay.
what does consumer surplus represent?It represents the value that consumers receive from a transaction over and above what they paid for it.
what is the producer surplus?Producer surplus is an economic concept that refers to the difference between the price that producers receive for a good or service and the minimum price they are willing to accept for it.
what does the producer surplus represent?It represents the benefit that producers receive from a transaction over and above the cost of producing the good or service.
how to calculate the producer surplus?Producer surplus is the (actual) price of a good minus the minimum-supply price (marginal cost), summed over the quantity sold.
How to measure producer surplus?by the area below the market price and above the supply curve, summed over the quantity sold
It is the extra benefit from receiving a higher price.producer surplus
What is deadweight loss?Occurs when there is an inefficiency in the market, leading to a loss of economic welfare. This inefficiency means that total surplus (the sum of consumer and producer surplus) is not maximized.
Common causes of deadweight loss include:Taxes and subsidies Monopolies Price floor Price ceiling
what does deadweight loss represent?the lost opportunities for trade and the inefficient allocation of resources.
When underproduction occurs the deadweight loss appears on the .... of the equilibriumleft side
When overderproduction occurs the deadweight loss appears on the .... of the equilibriumright side
what sort of loss is a deadweight losssocial loss