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level: Level 1 of MOCK Mid

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of MOCK Mid

In chapter 1 of the ‘Guide to Supply Chain Management’ book, the authors describe what a supply chain starts. Why does product supply starts the supply chain in a supermarket?Because most of these products are sourced, produced and shipped in advance
We can consider ECR as a strategy aimed at eliminating inefficiencies and excessive costs within the supply chain and thus delivering better value to consumers. Ultimate goal is to create a consumer driven supply chain. Chapter one of the book ‘Guide to Supply Chain Management’ mentions three flows to describe a supply chain. To which flow does ECR belong? Explain your answer by giving an exampleInformation flow. For instance bar code scanning at the cash register provides the organization point of sale information and/or inventory replenishment incentives
The company is not satisfied with the current supplier base and issues a Request For Information to explore other supply opportunities. To which pre-order step in the purchasing process does this step belong? Relate this to the case at hand and explain your answer.This belongs to the tendering step. Suppliers are invited to submit general information that may help them to qualify for a potential tender. In this case they should profile their customer base, success cases, prices won, certificates, references, etc.
It seems that there are limited suppliers available for the necessary components. Which tactical sourcing activity, mentioned in chapter 3 of the book “Guide to Supply Chain Management” can be used in conjunction with pre- and post-order steps? Explain your answer using the case informationMarket research could be used as a tactical sourcing tool. This is essential to establish what’s happening in the supplier market or concerning a particular commodity. Since there are only limited suppliers this would be advisable
In chapter 4 of the book “Guide to Supply Chain Management” 5 different methods are explained. The manufacturing manager of Mobile screen Ltd. advises management to change the production method from line manufacturing to project manufacturing. Is this a good advice? Explain your answerNo, project manufacturing is a one off manufacturing process that meets very specific customer requirements. The integrated circuit board may be different for another customer but will be delivered as one type/model in big quantities to a certain customer
In the case description the Bill of Materials (BOM) is mentioned. To what process does Mobile screen Ltd. needs the BOM in order to plan production?The Materials Requirements process.
tendering =making a list of
Tactical Sourcing= Market research  Commodity analysis  Forecasting requirements  Supplier performance analysis and benchmarking  Price and cost analysis
3 flows of SCM=information, services and materials
BOM=The term "BOM supply chain" refers to the management and coordination of the Bill of Materials (BOM) within a supply chain context.
Five Types of Manufacturing ProcessProject = a one-off manufacturing process that meets very specific customer requirements and that is too large to be moved once completed ( the bird’s nest Olympic stadium in Beijing)  Job shop = also a one-off manufacturing process where the end product meets the unique order requirements of a customer. Job shop manufacturing is different from the project type as assembly usually takes place offsite. Once completed the luxurious yacht, is being delivered to the customer.  Batch = also known as flow manufacturing, where similar items are provided on a repeat basis usually in large volumes. The process is divided into a chain of activities that take place after each other.  Line = products are passed through the same sequence of operations from beginning to the end. Line manufacturing can be made to order, cars in assembly line at BMW or they can be made to stock, fridges or washing machines at siemens.