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level: DİDN'T

Questions and Answers List

level questions: DİDN'T

Okula gitmedim.I didn't go to school.
Havuzda yüzmedim.I didn't swim in the pool.
Kitap okumadım.I didn't read a book.
Geçen yıl Antalya'ya gitmedim.I didn't go to Antalya last year.
Minecraft oynamadım.I didn't play Minecraft.
Babam işe gitmedi.My dad didn't go to work.
Arkadaşlarım okula gelmediler.My friends didn't come to school.
Öğretmenim okula gelmedi.My teacher didn't come to school.
Annem yemek yapmadı.My mom didn't cook.
Kardeşim ödev yapmadı.My brother didn't do his homework.
Parkta bisiklet sürmedim.I didn't ride a bike in the park.
Su içmedim.I didn't drink water.
Kahvaltı yapmadım.I didn't have breakfast.
Yüzümü yıkamadım.I didn't wash my face.
Müzik dinlemedim.I didn't listen to music.
Yeni bir bilgisayar satın almadım.I didn't buy a new computer.