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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What is the function of a RibosomeSites where protein molecules are synthesized from amino acids
What is the function of MitochondriaMitochondria are tiny organelles found in cells that act as the cell's powerhouses. Break down nutrients to yield energy. Apart from producing its own energy, it also produces a high-energy compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is used as an energy source.
What is the function of Smooth Endoplasmic ReticulumDoes not have any attached ribosomes. Synthesises different types of lipids (fats). Aids carbohydrate and drug metabolism.
What is the function of CytoplasmRegion outside the nucleus Contains cell organelles and cytosol, or cytoplasmic solution.
What is the function of LysosomesLysosomes contain enzymes that help with the digestion of nutrients in the cell Breaks down cellular debris or invading microorganisms (bacteria).
What is the function of the NucleusControl cellular activity. Contains genes and collections of DNA which determine all aspects of anatomy and physiology. The DNA is arranged into chromosomes which contain the blueprint for each type of cell (allows for replication of the cell).
What is the function of the Cell MembraneOuter coating of the cell Contains the cytoplasm, substances within it and the organelle
What is the function of Rough Endoplasmic ReticulumContains ribosomes, proteins and enzymes. Function is to synthesize new proteins.
What is the function of the Golgi ApparatusProducts from the Endoplasmic reticulum are stored in the Golgi apparatus, converted into substances that are necessary for the cell’s functions, and distributed as required.