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level: Level 1 of Tissue Types

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Tissue Types

Name the 4 main tissue types within the bodyEpithelial, Muscular, Nervous and Connective
What is the function of Epithelial Tissue• Covers body surfaces and lines most internal cavities • Functions include protection, secretion, absorption & filtration
What is the function of Nervous Tissue• Neurons and associated cells which receive stimuli • transmit information to, from and within the body
What is the function of Muscular Tissue• Skeletal (voluntary) – attached to and involved in the movement of bones • Cardiac (involuntary) – found in the heart, pumps blood around the body • Smooth (involuntary) – movement/regulation of internal organs or fluids
What is the function of Connective Tissue• Functions include support, binding and protection from cartilage and bone • Tendons and ligament provide connection • Adipose tissue stores energy and helps insulate the body
Name the different types of Connective Tissue found in the bodyTypes include – loose connective tissue, adipose tissue (fat), dense fibrous tissue (tendons & ligaments), specialised connective tissue (cartilage, bone, blood & lymph)