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level: Creating great products

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Creating great products

Several different things might ______ somebody to look for an iGaming operator including the desire to make money, for entertainment or to fit in socially, or simply out of curiosity.motivate
We need to be great at: ______ - Understanding our users, markets and verticals.Research
We need to be great at: ______ ______ - Creating great content (text, images, video & audio) based on our research.Content Creation
We need to be great at: ______ ______ - Designing a great user experience with the content we have created.Content Design
In the past, like nearly all other iGaming affiliate sites, the game we played was to try and ____ ______ ______.rank on Google
In the past, creating a great product for users was ______ to pleasing Google.secondary
This handbook aims to help invert that mindset so that we focus ______ on creating great products for our users.first
We believe this is the key to ______-______ success as it will lead to more passion and pride from website managers and greater user satisfaction on our products.long-term
At the end of the day, users and Google want the same thing, a ______ ______ to their questions.great answer
Being a great ______ means working to understand who our users are and then becoming experts in the market and vertical that we are in.researcher
We need to become ______ in our niche. We need to know what our users want and how to speak to them.specialists
We need to know about the features, USPs and downsides of the products we
We need to know about the ______ and happenings in our market.laws
Our access to accurate ______ information is limited because Google Analytics does not collect this information about most of our visitors.demographic
Stereotypically, we expect our users to be ______ ______ from larger cities although this is certainly not always the case and can also often be dependent on the page/question that we are considering.younger males
The maturity of the market, channelisation, types of games available, features and markets advertised to players, along with the types of searches made (informational vs transactional) can tell us many things about how much ______ our users have with iGaming.experience
Each question we answer will have users with more or less ______ than others.experience
Several different things might ______ somebody to look for an iGaming operator including the desire to make money, for entertainment or to fit in socially, or simply out of curiosity.motivate