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level: Higher Level: Jobs

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Higher Level: Jobs

lawyer, solicitorabogado, el
brick-layer, building workeralbañil, el
flight attendantazafata, la
firefighterbombero, el
lorry drivercamionero, el
joiner, carpentercarpintero, el
postmancartero, el
accountantcontable, el
armyejército, el
person in chargeencargado, el
to be in charge ofencargarse (de)
to be on strikeestar en huelga
hope, prospectexpectativa, la
managergerente, el
farmergranjero, el
to have a go; to tryprobar
to fill inrellenar
to applysolicitar
(job) applicationsolicitud, la
wages, salarysueldo, el