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level: Level 1 of Psychodynamic Explanations of Gender Development

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Psychodynamic Explanations of Gender Development

Things to remember?Freud's understanding of gender identity,
Things to remember?Freud's understanding of gender identity,
Things to remember?Freud's understanding of gender identity,
Freud's understanding of gender identity?Gender identity develops in the phallic stage; each psychosexual stage including the phallic stage is characterised by a conflict which is either Oedipus or electra complex
What are the Oedipus and Electra complex a result of?a child’s attempt at resolving the conflict of gender and it occurs at the end of the phallic stage.
What does the Oeipus complex suggest?boys suffer from castration anxiety and fear and despise their father for standing in the way of the boy realising their sexual desires felt towards the mother. However, as the child comes to terms with the fact that they will be unable to express their feelings, they instead identify with their father and internalise his values, through the process of internalisation.
What does the electra complex suggest?Girls suffer from penis envy instead. This is where girls in the phallic stage despise their mother for not providing them with a penis, the girl identifies with the mother a after accepting that she is not an ‘obstacle’ that can be removed.
What is the conclusionOedipus and Electra Complexes are important ways to resolve psychosexual conflicts that occur during the phallic stage and help develop gender identity
What is a limitation of the psychodynamic explanation of gender?(EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESSome concepts like the Oedipus and Electra complex lack strong empirical evidence and are often criticized for being difficult to test scientifically. Doesn't account for individual differences in personality and experience that can lead to variations in gender identity beyond the parent-child relationship.
What's a strength?(FIRST PERSON TO HIGHLIGHT THE IMPORTANCE OF CHILDHOOD IN MENTAL HEALTH)He was the first person to highlight the importance of childhood in mental health This idea is still used today when considering gender disorders like gender dysphoria| This can offer explanations on why gender disorders develop such as failure to overcome the oedipus complex and contribute to therapies as a way to support people
Things to remember?Freud's understanding of gender identity,oedipus and electra complex, conclusion