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level: Level 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 4

rēs, reī, f.thing, matter, affair, business, 64
Eburōnēs, -um m.Eburones (German), 5
reliquus, -a, umremaining, the rest of, 28
tōtus -a, -umwhole, entire, 7
certus, -a, -umdefinite, sure, certain, reliable, 8
fīlius, -iī m.son, 5
propteron account of, because of, 5
mīles, mīlitis, m.soldier, 33
subunder, below, beneath, underneath, 5
hic, haec, hocthis, these, 92
Lucius, -ī m.Lucius, 10
cōnsilium, -iī n.plan, counsel, 12
resistō, -ere, -stitīstand still, halt; oppose, 5
circiter(round) about, not far from, 7
conveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventuscome together, assemble, 9
dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dictussay, speak, tell, call, name, 18
telum, -ī n.projective, weapon, blow, 9
mūnītio, -iōnis f.fortification, paving, 7
profectio, -ōnis f.departure, 5
trēs, triathree, 7
cohors, cohortis f.cohort, company, troop 14
nihilnothing, 10
celeritās, -tātis f.quickness, swiftness, speed, 5
tempus, temporis, n.time, occasion, 11
alter, -era, -erumother (of two), 12
(down) from; about, concerning, 41
maximus, -a, -umgreatest, largest, 15
Ambiorix, -rigis m.Ambiorix, 15
arma, -ōrum n.arms, equipment, tools, 7
Caesar, -aris m.Caesar, 40
cognōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nitumto learn, come to know, pf. know, 14
licetimpersonal, it is allowed or permitted, 5
spērō (1)hope (for), expect, 6
diēs, -ēī m./, time, season, 33
eques, equitis m.horseman, rider, 12
Pullo, Pullōnis, m.Pullo, 6
quantus, -a, -umhow great, much, many, 6
postafter, behind (+ acc.); afterward, next, 5
co(n)iciō, -ere, -iēcīthrow together, throw, take oneself, 10
fortis, -estrong, brave, valiant, 7
bellum, -ī, n.war, 16
subsequor, -ī, secūtus sumto follow after or behind, 7
faciō, -ere, fēcī, factumdo, make, perform; grant, 40
celeriterquickly, swiftly, speedily, 6
Rhodanus, -a, -umRhone, 5
subsidium, iī n.reserve troops; third line of battle, 5
hostis, -is m./f.stranger, enemy, foe, 43
utas, just as, when (+ ind.); (so) that, in order that, 59
Gallia, -ae f.Gaul, 17
prīvō (1)deprive of, rob, strip from (abl), 5