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level: things i didint know

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level questions: things i didint know

whats the order of mitosis?1) prophase, 2) metaphase, 3) anaphase, 4) telophase, 5) interphase
explain prophase.the spindle is forming. chromosomes become visible, nucleur envelope disaseembles, nucleus dissapears, centrioles reach poles
explain metaphaseforming the spindle fibres. chromosomes line up on the equator of cell
explain anaphasespindle fibres attatched to chromatids contract, chromatids are pulled towards the poles
explain telophasedaughter chromosomes reach poles and become decondensed, nucleur envelope reforms, nucleolus reforms, spindle disentegration.
explain interphasepair of centrioles. cell is actively synthesising proteins; chromosomes not visible prior to mitosis, DNA replicates and centrioles pair replicates