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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

This definition of abnormality states that : a person’s behaviour or thinking is classified abnormal if it is rare The less frequently the behaviour occurs, the more likely it is to be abnormal.Statistical infrequency
This definition of abnormality states that: a person is considered abnormal because of other people finds it unacceptable Doesn’t fit into norms(an unwritten rule for acceptable behaviours) Explicit norms=rules that refers to clear policed laws Implicit norms=unwritten rules of societyDeviation from social norms
Strength and weakness of the definition of abnormality: Deviation from social normsStrength: gives clear indication of what behaviour isn’t desirable Takes into account the effects of the behaviour on others Helpful in deciding whether the abnormal behaviour indicates presence of a mental disorder requiring treatments Weakness: Cultural relativism: something might or not be acceptable in different cultures Era dependent: social norms vary over time.
This definition of abnormality states that: individuals are abnormal when their behaviour suggests they cannot cope with basic demands of everyday life. Rosenhan’s Criteria for abnormality: 1. Person can no longer follow interpersonal rules(e.g. respecting personal space, maintaining eye contact) 2. Experiences severe personal stress 3. Becomes irrational and dangerous to self and others Often uses GAF scale to asses the functioning of patient socially, occupational and psychologicallyFailure to function adequately
Strength and weakness of the definition of abnormality: failure to function inadequatelyStrength: Includes subjective experiences of patient Recognises the importance of individual’s perspective Weakness: Difficult to distinguish function issues or just deviation from social norm Requires judgement from external person-judgement on the GAF scale is subjective and depends on observers opinion
This definition of abnormality states that: if the person doesn’t follow the following criteria, they’re abnormal Jahoda’s Criteria: Congruence-having high self esteem Self actualisation-the extent to developing a person’s true capabilities Integration-being a functioning member of society, able to cope with stress Autonomy-being independent Accurate perception of reality-having an objective and rational view of the world and self Mastery of the environment-ability to love and function at work/relationshipsDeviation from ideal mental health
Strength and weakness of the definition of abnormality: Deviation from ideal mental healthStrength: Comprehensive and positive approach Broad range of criteria, covering reasons why someone would seek help Focuses on on desirable behaviours rather than individual failures (positive) Weakness: Cultural relativism Unrealistic standards-very few people meet the criteria, therefore would clarify most people as abnormal.