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level: things from textbok

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level questions: things from textbok

what does the hydrophobic tail mix readily withlipids
what are glycolipidshydrophillic, covalently bonded with the hydrophobic tail
transport proteins about hydrostuff pt1have amino acids wit hydrophobic R groups that face the internal hydrophobic core of the bi layer, the other end opposite
why is it called fluid mosaicfluid because the phospholipid and proteins can move relative to one another --> flexible structure, constantly changing shape mosaic because the proteins vary in shape and size and patterns (scattered)
what does the cholesterol doprevents passage of disabled polar molecules and ions across the membrane reduces lateral movement of phospholipid
what is the phospholipid impearmeable toions (charged particles)
what are histone proteinshighly basic (alkalaic)
what do the length of the telomeres determinethe life span of the cell cells that keep the ability to divide by mitosis have a mechanism to add more bases to the end of chromosmes
mitosis is not....the process that repairs but replaces cells
what are adult stem cellsundifferentited, which can produce more more differentiated cells
what do animal cells contain onlyglyocogen granules, cilia, microvilli