Sæt disse i rækkefølge fra mest til mindst produktiv, hvilke er P limited og hvilke er N limited?
Hvilke er ombrotrophic og hvilke er minerotrophic?
Hvor er det mest syre?
Hvor er det højest turnover rate?
Bog, Fen, swamp, Marsh | Bogs have lower fertility (less nutrients), Are more acidic due to rainwater imput. This means they have more organic peaty soils.
Bogs have low productivity and a slow nutrient turnover. Often P-limited.
Minerotrophic systems tend to be more Nitrogen limited.
This is because there is inorganic nitrogen in rainwater, but no natural input of phosphorus in rain water. Also because plants need much more nitrogen than phosphorus. Only few ecosystems need phosphorus. |
What is the best way to determine nutrient availability in the wetland? | Soil is the indicator of nutrient availability and not water because it can be diluted by rain etc.
Soil can be organic or mineral.
Organic - Is there when rates of decomposition is slow. For instance bog has low N and P and therefore microbal decomposition is really slow. Then you have many plant remains
Mineral is when the rates of decomposition is high. |
What is the difference between organic and mineral soils? | Organic - Is there when rates of decomposition is slow. For instance bog has low N and P and therefore microbal decomposition is really slow. Then you have many plant remains |
What is the relation between nutrient availability/fertility and diversity in wetlands typically?
where do you find the most rare species? | Fertility: Diversity is highest at intermediate fertility.
Its called a hump-backed curve.
At low levels only few species can survive at high levels strong competetors win.
Often species that occur in low fertility are very rare even though species richness here is lower. |
What is the relation between number of rare species and fertility? | Most rare in low fertility and least rare in high fertility |
What type of wetland is this? | This is a fend but in the bog end of the scale. |
Place bog fen and marsh here | Boom |
Place bog fen swamp and marsh here
How can this ratio be used to determine type of wetland? | Rækkefølgen var bog, fen, swamp, marsh
N:P ration in plant tissue is an important indicator of what is limiting in wetlands. |
Hvordan kan du vide om et system er phosphor limited? | If N:P > 16 -> phosporus limited
If N:P < 13 - N limited
If N:P is between 13-16 - co limited or not limited |
Which wetland types are typically N limited which are typically P limited | Most in the really high nutrient ones are unlimmited
here you can see that the bogs are P limited and swamps and marshes are mostly n limited. |
How are wetlands important for nutrients? | Wetlands are important for storing and binding nutrients. Its makes the release of nutrients slower.
Compared to other water plants wetland plants decompose slowly so the nutrients are released slower.
Especially minerotrphic wetlands are good at storing nutrients. |
Helt kort hvilke nitrogen processor sker eller kan der ske i wetlands? | Nitrogen processes in wetlands
Volatilization = NH4 - NH3. Tends to happen at high pH (you dont want this to happen if you have fish because that means pH is to high, (but if you just want to remove nitrogen then this might be a good idea to raise pH up to 9.) This is really smart because to take the N completely ou of the system.
Anammox = NO2 -> N2. (Can happen under basicly any condition) ellers er det NH4+ + NO2− → N2
Dinitrification = NO3 - N2
To do the last two you need nitrifikation.
The white layer is oxygen. The nitrification in wetlands is limited by oxygen. |
Hvor sker der meget nitrifikation?
Hvorfor er dette vigtigt? | Nitrikation can happen around the roots, because here is oxygen. Roots in the system gives a whole extra zone that can be involved in nitrification.
Der bliver dannet NO3 som potentielt kan blive N2 tror jeg og så kan det fjernes eller optages i rødderne???. |