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level: Wetland ecosystem services and prodoctivity

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level questions: Wetland ecosystem services and prodoctivity

Ecosystem services: What do we eat from wetlands? what else can be grown and used?Fish (feeds 1 billion people) and rice bby For instance reeds (tagrør)
Why are mineotrophic wetlands so god damn productive?Hydrology is why wetlands are so productive. And remember this is swamps and marshes not bogs or fens. They constantly get new nutrients through groundwater, catchment etc. Ombrotrophic - good for storing carbon but over a long period because productivity is low Minerotrophic - high productivity
How is temperature and productivity linked in wetlands?The less tempeaturelimited they are, the more the productivity goes crazy in wetlands.
What more can influence prodoctivity in a wetland?Hmmm not really sure but check the picture, but i mean amount of water input, temp, nutrients in the water input etc
Which types of wetlands can store most greenhouseThe tropical ones with high productivity we looked at before dont have much carbon storage beacause most biomass will decompose in the soil. Its basicly just a cycle where it stores co2 and then release when they die. We want to store carbon as dedritus and incoporate in the soil. In omnitrophic wetlands they make more dedritus because of low pH and often lower temperatures. If organic matter stays perminatly as peat then we are happy. N2O doesnt seem to be a problem for wetlands because not a lot is produced and a lot is turned into N2. Methane is a way bigger concern.
Hvilke aksetitler mangler på denne? Hvad fortæller den?This is change over time in a waterlogged soil. SÅ til at starte med bruger det ilten, og så går den igang med nitrat reduktion jern reduktion og så sulfatreuktion. så kan der ske en smule methanogenese Sulfate reduction we dont get much in freshwater wetlands.
Hvad viser denne figur?Wetlands making methane: Methane production - anaerobic process. Three ways for methane to escape soil to atmosphere: 1 - simple diffusion (fast if water is mixing) 2 - if water is deep enough to trap methane in a springlag 3 - it can build up as gas bubbles in the soil. If it comes up as bubbles then it will not be oxidised on the way up. The dominant path is through plants aerenchyma (luftrør i planten). Så hvis der er meget methan kommer det faktisk ind i rødderne, ind i aerenchyma og ud igennem planten.
Er wetlands sink eller source af methan?They are a natural source of methane. Natural wetlands are a source of methane.
Er wetlands sink eller source af greenhouse gasses?Uhhhh dette er et kontrolversielt emne Mitch found that all wetlands are wetland sinks uless they are net source of CO2. Because the amount of methane produced is so much smaller than co2 stored. (He did some stuff with the multiplication factor of methane and did extra corrections so multiplied with 6 or 4 instead of 21) Neubauer then said nope this is far to simplistic. You cannot play around with the multiplication factor like this. He says swamps and marshes can have a significate methane production. Some of them are net sources - some swamps and marshes. North american wetlands store a lot of carbon. Almost half of global storing in wetland is in north america mostly canada. Peatlands are taking up a lot of carbon Draining peatlands is really bad for climate change. All this organic carbon starts being emitted. It goes aerobic and respiration goes amok.
Consequences of draining peatlands?Draining peat is really bad! You might as well just burn coal. Growing potatoes on drained peat is just as bad as burning coal. Restoring peatlands is a number one human activity is a number one human activity that can stop climate change. Esturine wetlands are mostly neutral. They don't really make methane. In short time spands marshes and swamps produce enough methane to be net sources of greenhouse gasses. We cant really use climate change as an argument to resstore minerotrophic wetlands.