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level: Carbon balance and greenhouse gasses wetlands

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level questions: Carbon balance and greenhouse gasses wetlands

What is paludiculture? How does it contribute to climate change medigation?Paludiculture - is allowing farmers to grow crops on drained peatlands which can grow in flooded conditions. I think its mostly on fens. Then they are corbon sinks and farmers can make money. Then you can grow reeds. Too wet for potatoes and maize. You then get peat. And grow fracmitis and stuff like that. For fracmeitis about 80-90% end in the soil . Contributes to climate change medigation in two ways: - reducing GHG emissions from drained peat soils by reflooding - by replacing fossil resources by renewble biomass alternatives
How come wetlands can be carbon sinks?Anerobic system: dedritus is not very quickly decomposed. It is therefore stored and burried as peat. This is how wetlands can be carbon sinks. Carbon input has two be larger than carbon loss. Anerobic systems are good at this. Temperature can be important but anerobic conditions and low pH is more important for peat storage
What does this show?All the things regulating carbon uptake / removal (sequestration) Temperature can be important but anerobic conditions and low pH is more important for peat storage
What does this graph show? Note: Brian said this will be in the exam for some people!!Focus on the solid lines the others are statistics. When we reflud its hard to hit the right point. If it becomes to deep we start having methane emissions. So we want to hit the right depth where co2 emissions stop but methane emissions dont start.
What does this graph show usShows how deep you should flood when reflooding. a lot like the other graph from previous question To shallow - co2 eimissons To deep - upper surface is anerobic so methane is released. So we want it to fluctuate around the surface. If the upper 10 cm stays oxidised. Then methane oxidisers can work and less emissions. In denmark they do the middle one but they don't pay the farmers. Paludiculture - is allowing farmers to grow crops on drained peatlands which can grow in flooded conditions. Then they are corbon sinks and farmers can make money. Then you can grow reeds.
Okay du har reflooded et peatland og gror nu phragmites (tagrør). Hvad regner du med vil ske over de næste mange år? Hvad sker der med CO2 balancenThe system will switch from minerotrophic to omnotrophic. The Phragmites will build up carbon untill it become omnotrophic. This is a transition. They can do this for maybe 30 years but at some point they will run out off nutrients. Then they have to transition into another fields. Doing paludiculture accelerates the recovery into a natural CO2 sink in stead of letting it become it naturally.