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level: Management 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Management 1

What is the WFD?The Water Framework Directive - aims to protect and improve the quality of all water bodies across European Union
What are the key ebjectives in the WFD?- Achieve "good status" for all water bodies (rivers, lakes, groundwater and costal waters) by a set of deadlines (now 2027) - Prevent deterioration in water quality and promote sustainable water use - Support biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems - Promote integrated water management across borders - Engage public participation and promote cost-effective water management measures
For hvert River Basin District (vandområdedistrikt) fastsættes de indsatser, der skal gennemføres for at nå miljømålene. Hvor mange vandområdedistrikter har vi i DK?4 - Jylland og Fyn, Sjælland, Bornholm og Internationalt vandområde.
Are we good at meeting the WFD deadlines, how do we deal with these deadlines in DK and do you think that we are gonna meet the final WFD deadline in 2027?No we are not good at meeting the deadlines. We handle deadline by exposing them, and no we are proably not gonna meet the final deadline - rip aquatic enviroments :(
What kind of water bodies do freshwater surface water bodies cover?Streams and lakes
Take a look at the freshwater typologies in DK.h
The ecological status in the WFD can be meassured by biological quality elements, physico-chemical elements and hydromorphological elements. Meantion elements within the three categories that can be measured.Biological quality elements: Phytoplankton (only lakes), aquatic plants, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish Physico-chemical: nutrients, organic pollution and acidification Hydromorphological: hydrology, morphology and barriers
Hvad måler vi primært på i DK?De biologiske elementer. Vi har ikke rigtig nogle physio-chemical elements for streams som vi måler på. Derudover har vi i DK heller ikke udviklet nogle hydromorphological elements målinger for søer eller vandøb.
Hvad er den økologiske status som vi for alle de målte elementer går efter ifølge WFD?Good or high
What is the Habitats Directive (1992)?h
How to assess the conservation status of the habitats in HD?h
How to assess the conservation status of species in HD?h
Briefly explain the difference in what the WFD and the HD aim to target and protect.WFD aims to protect the ecological status of all water bodies and HD aims to protect the conservation status of habitats and species (also terrestrial).
In what national monitoring program is the state of the aquatic environment and nature assessed?NOVANA
What do you think of the general ecological status of water bodies in EU?Not really nice
This figure shows the conservation status of habitats in EU. What countries are having the highest and the lowest share of habitats with good conservation status? Should we be proud in DK?Status in cyprus, estonia, greece and romania are good. Status in belgium, denmark and uk are ****. Dk has the second lowest share of habitats with good conservation status - no reason to be proud.
What is the Danish Watercourse Act (Vandløbsloven)?A national law that specifies how maintenance of watercourses should be conducted (regulations) to ensure adequate flow for flood prevention and drainage, particularly for agricultural areas.
What maintenance activities are often suggested in Vandløbsloven?rørlægning (dræning), grødeskæring og uddybning af vandløbet
Hvordan stemmer vandløbsloven overens med WFD og HD?De kan ofte være lidt i konflikt, fordi det er forskellige hensyn, der tages højde for.