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level: Lakes brackish and saline lakes

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level questions: Lakes brackish and saline lakes

NoDo macrophytes play the same important role in brackish lakes compared to freshwater lakes?
A lake receiving water from the marine enviroment. Typical salinity around 0.5 (WFD) - 15promilleWhat defines a brackish lake?
Yes. They are found along our coasts and approximately 1/3 og the total lake area in DK are brackish lakes. Many brakish lakes often have a large area.Are brackish lakes common in DK?
Brackish lakes receive marine water where salinity in saline lakes increases due to evaporation. Saline lakes are often found in mountain regions and arid areas.How do brackish lakes differ from saline lakes?
Due to high chlorophyll concentrations.Why are brackish lakes often very green?
Generally the Danish brackish lakes are nutrient rich and turbid like most freshwater lakes.How is the general nutrient content and turbidity of brackish lakes in DK?
Egg-develop: Pike-perch Fish larvae: PikeSalinity is important for fish survival and reproduction. What fish group is most resistent to high salinity in each of these two reproduction steps.
¨hMention some common fish species in brackish lakes.
highest diversity at intermediate salinityExplain the figure.
No - some stuudies show highest richness at low salinityAre highest species richness always found at intermediate salinities?
sticklebacks - they dominate nutrient-rich brackish lakes becuase they are very tolerantWhat is a very common fish species at high nutrient levels in brackish lakes?
- lower biomass of fish in brackish lakes - abundance of fish in nutrient rich brackish lakes are as high as in the freshwater lakesWhat are some differences between fish in freshwater and brackish lakes?
In nutrient rich brackish lakes - especially if sticklebacks are dominatingWhere is the Neimysis integer very common?
They may compensate each other - no explanition of how ;)How comes these two predator species are high in abundance at the same time?
No - it is a hard life! They dont have same possibility to hide in macrophytes and there is a high predator preassure compared to many freshwater lakes.Is it fun to be a zooplankton in brackish lakes? ;)
generally lower in brackish lakes than in freshwater lakes - low possibility for top-dpwn control of phytoplanktoon in brackish lakesHow do you expect the grazing pressure on phytoplankton to be in brackish lakes?
Daphina disappear at higher salinities. Instead less effecient filtering zooplankton like rotifers starts to dominate.How does the zooplankton community change with salinity?
hSummarize some differences between shallow freshwater lakes and brackish lakes.
Describe the submerged plant community in brakish lakesFor moss and isoetid we only have one common species - a little more for the two others - but relativly few species are common in brakish systems in general
What are those two species dominating the submerged plants in eastern Vejler?Chara (kransnålsalge) and Potamogeton pectinatus (vandaks)
What are the difference in secchi depth due to macrophyte cover in fresh vs brackish lakes?Higher secchi depth in freshwater lakes with high macrophyte cover. In brakish lakes we don't see the same tendency - meaning that a high macrophyte cover does not reduce the turbidity in brackish lakes.
Are macrophytes important for other reasons in brakish lakes?Yes.
How will the increasing risk of drought in the future affect the salinity in lakes?Risk of increasing salinity in future with all the different consequences this will lead to like change in fish and zooplankton composition.