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level: protein synthesis

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level questions: protein synthesis

what is the code?universal, each triplet codes for the same amino acids in all organisms.
features of the genetic code12 amino acids are coded by only a single triplet (UUG), the remaining is between 2 and 6 codons each
features of the genetic code 2the remaining amino acids are coded for by between 2 and 6 codons each
in eukaryotesin the length of DNA corresponding to a gene, there are coding portions known as extrons, and there are non coding proteins named introns. the genetic code is used only for exons (coding region of a gene)
it is the triplets of mRNA bases...that are translated into the correct sequence of amino acids, the genetic code is often given as mRNA codons
features of the genetic code 3the codon is always read in the 5' --> 3' direction
what is a denerate codewhich is a genetic code, (refers to the fact that multiple codons, or sets of three nucleotides, can code for the same amino acid during protein synthesis)
what is an mRNA codonsequence of three adjacent nucleotides in mRNA that codes for an amino acid. STOP codons dont code for amino acids
mRNA codon =UGU ; DNA triplet
transcribed strand =ACA : DNA
triplet, non-transcribed strand =TGT
what is the start of the sequence always in the codonAUG,this codes for the amino acid MET (methionine), which is later removed
what are the 3 codons which do not code for amino acids (STOP CODONS)UAA, UAG, UGA, marks the end of a polypeptide chain
what does the triplet of bases produce64 combinations, enough for 20 amino acids, this is called the genetic code