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level: Passive Voices

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Passive Voices

Yemek çocuklar tarafından yenir.The food is eaten by the children.
İngilizce birçok ülkede konuşulur.English is spoken in many countries.
Ev her gün temizlenir.The house is cleaned every day.
Mektuplar postacı tarafından gönderilir.Letters are sent by the postman.
Şehirde yeni bir okul inşa edilir.A new school is built in the city.
İş zamanında bitirilir.The work is finished on time.
Kahve mutfakta yapılır.Coffee is made in the kitchen.
Kapı sabah açılır.The door is opened in the morning.
Birçok kitap öğrenciler tarafından okunur.Many books are read by students.
E-postalar her gün yazılır.Emails are written every day.
Pasta annem tarafından pişirildi.The cake was baked by my mom.
Pencere bir top tarafından kırıldı.The window was broken by a ball.
Mektup dün gönderildi.The letter was sent yesterday.
Telefon dün gece kayboldu.The phone was lost last night.
Ev geçen yıl boyandı.The house was painted last year.
Şarkı ünlü bir şarkıcı tarafından söylendi.The song was sung by a famous singer.
Ödev öğrenciler tarafından yapıldı.The homework was done by the students.
Kapı akşam 8'de kapatıldı.The door was closed at 8 PM.
Işıklar yatmadan önce kapatıldı.The lights were turned off before bed.
Araba pazar günü yıkandı.The car was washed on Sunday.