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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Name and IDsChavin de Huantar Peru, Chavin, Stone
Name and IDsMesa Verde Cliff Dwellings Colorado, Puebloan, Sandstone
Name and IDsYaxchilan Mexico, Mayan, Limestone
Name and IDsThe Great Serpent Mound Ohio, Mississippian, Earthwork
Name and IDsTemplo Mayor Mexico, Tenochtitlan, Stone
Name and IDsRuler's Feathered Headdress Mexico, Aztec, Feathers and Gold
Name and IDsCity of Cusco Peru, Inka
Name and IDsTransformation Mask Kwakwaka'wakw, Wood
Name and IDsMaize Cobs Inka, Sheet Metal
Name and IDsCity of Machu Picchu Peru, Inka, Granite
Name and IDsAll-T'oqapu Tunic Inka, Camelid Fiber
Name and IDsBandolier Bag Lenape, Beadwork on Leather
Name and IDsPainted Elk Hide Wyoming, Cadzi Cody
Name and IDsBlack-on-Black Ceramic Vessel Puebloan, Martinez
Name and IDsConical Tower and Circular Wall of Great Zimbabwe Shona People, Granite Blocks
Name and IDsGreat Mosque of Djenne Mali, Adobe
Name and IDsWall Plaque from Oba's Palace Nigeria, Cast Brass
Name and IDsSika Dwa Kofi Ashanti peoples, Gold over wood
Name and IDsNdop of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul Kuba peoples, wood
Name and IDsPower Figure Kongo peoples, Wood and metal
Name and IDsFemale Pwo Mask Chokwe peoples, Wood and metal
Name and IDsPortrait Mask Baule peoples, Wood
Name and IDsBundu Mask Mende peoples, Wood
Name and IDsIkenga Igbo peoples, Wood
Name and IDsAka Elephant Mask Bamileke, Wood, Cloth
Name and IDsReliquary Figure (Byeri) Fang peoples, Wood
Name and IDsVeranda Post of Enthroned King and Senior Wife (Opo Ogoga) Yoruba peoples, Wood