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level: Level 1 of Week 6

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Week 6

Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries
Richard Wilkinson: Equity and Wellbeing- more equal societies tend to have better social wellbeing - Addressing inequality is a key to a helathier, fairer, and more sustainable world
Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty first century- wealth inequalities tend to grow overtime unless actively corrrected - rich keep getting richer - without progressive taxation or wealth distrubution inequlaity keeps rising - focuses on wealth rather than income because it includes peoples assets and they can passing this on for generations
Our Current economic system isrests on the belief that people behave by making rational economic choices, which ahs led to an unstainalble social and environemntal reality
Utalitarian argument- Profit driven market capitalism, provides the best for the most -increase GDP and per capita incomes as proof that it is best way for organzing economic efforts
The Libertarian argument- people should be free to do what they want - right to personal property - regulation limits individual freedoms, so role of goverment should be to enforce contracts rather than restrict action
What does Canada's new gilled age meanCorporations are earning highest profits ever while paying employees the lowest wages ever
Societies with higher levels of economic inequality tend to have higher whatSocial and health problems
what is social sustainabilityRefers to aspects of sustainability and development related to the people
World banks four components of social sustainability1 Social Cohesion 2 inclusion 3 resilience 4 Process legitimacy
World banks four components of social sustainability (social cohesion)societies characterized by high levels of trust enabling people to work together
World banks four components of social sustainability (Inclusion)societies where people can thrive
World banks four components of social sustainability (resilience)socities that can withstand shock without significant losses
World banks four components of social sustainability (process legitimacy)society that accepts who has power, and legitimacy of how polices and programs are designed to be implemented
Different ways to approach social sustainability (analytical)studying and understanfing social sustainability scientifically
Different ways to approach social sustainability (Normative)focusing on what should be done from a moral or ethical standpoint
Different ways to approach social sustainability (operative)how policies, nusiness practces, or community programs can implement social sustainability
Micro Vs Meso Vs Macro LevelsMicro: how individuals or small communites experience sustainability Meso: how organizations, cities support social sustainability Maco: How nations and international systems shape social sustainability
Organizational locusthis refers to what happens inside a single organization
Inter-organizational Locusthis refers to intercations between companies, such as partnerships
Socio - Politcal LocusThis refers to the broader politcal and social enviroment that influences organizations and industries