3 major fields of ethics | Normative
Metaethics |
What is business ethics | An applied form of ethics that addresses principles and problems that arise in doing business
Ex) how do we balance what is right and whats profitable |
Brundtland Report | meeting the needs of the present without comprimising the ability of future generations to meet their needs |
Consequentalism | an ethical theory that judges whether or not something is right by what its consequences are |
Utilitarianism | a consequentialist ethical framwork that attempts to quantitatively maximize the good done to the world |
Deontology | focuses on rights and duties
1 consider what would occur if everyone were to take the action you are consider
2 treat people as ends, not just a means to ends |
Kantian Ethics | human reason determine ethics and ethics should be based and critiqued on rational grounds |
Categorical imperative | moral statements that are universal because of intrinsic qualities rather than because of their source or consequences |
John Rawls theory of justie | the natural state of human is freedom, but humans will rationally submit to restriction on their freedom to secure mutual safety and benefit |
3 v's of big data | volume
variety |
biometric monitoring devices | sensors embedded in everyday objects that collect biologcal, physiological, or behavioural data |
The international Labor Organization defines decent work as | productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity |
Abolitionist position (non human animals) | morally wrong to abuse or kill animals because there are beings with desires, beliefs, and interests |
Ethics | branch of philosophy that is concerned with what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust |
Why is sustainability an ethical issue | involves understanding rights, obligations, and interdependence |