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Trudne parafrazy keyword
level: Trudne parafrazy keyword
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Trudne parafrazy keyword
The football club is now being run by an experienced accountant [TAKEN] An experienced accountant .......... running of the football club.
has taken over the
If he doesn't get that job, who knows what he'll do! [KNOWING] If he doesn't get that job, .......... what he'll do!
there is no knowing
It's possible that the burglars got into the building by forcing open a fire exit. [GAINED] The burglars may .......... by forcing open a fire exit.
have gained entry/access
I was disappointed to hear that Leo had decided not to play basketball any more. [UP] Leo's decision to .......... as a disappointment to me.
give up basketball came
He thinks his friends do not appreciate him. [GRANTED] He dislikes .......... by his friends.
being taken for granted
Playing drums is fun, but so is singing in a choir. [JUST] It's .......... singing in a choir as it is playing the drums.
just as much fun
Clara said that she had not seen the missing letter. [HAVING] Clara .......... the missing letter.
denied having seen
Fernanda refused to wear her sister's old dress. [NOT] Fernanda said that .......... her sister's old dress.
she would not wear
“Remember to write or phone.” Marta said as she waved goodbye to her friend. [TOUCH] “Don’t .......... “ Marta said as she waved goodbye to her friend.
forget to keep in touch
Apparently, they’re planning on rerouting the traffic to reduce congestion. [DRAWN] Plans .......... reroute the traffic to reduce congestion.
are being drawn up to
We were horrified to see smoke coming out of the bedroom windows. [COULD] Much .......... smoke coming out of the bedroom windows.
to our horror, we could see
Didn't you want me to tell the staff about your resignation? [RATHER] Would .......... the staff know about your resignation?
you rather I had not let
Brian couldn't explain how the stolen computer got into the boot of his car. [LOSS] Brian .......... how the stolen computer got into the boot of his car.
was at a loss to explain
Some loss of support for the government is a likely consequence of these drastic measures. [RESULT] These drastic measures are .......... the government losing some support.
likely to result in
This film stands a very good chance of winning an award. [HIGHLY] It is .......... win an award.
highly likely that the film will
How can I make him understand that I don't want to see him any more? [ACROSS] How can I .......... that I don't want to see him any more?
get it across to him
Team spirit no longer exists after one member of a team makes a mistake. [SUCH] Once one member of a team makes a mistake there .......... as team spirit.
is no such thing
I’m sorry, I didn't realise it was so late. [TRACK] Sorry, I .......... time.
lost track of
It's not likely to happen but if you're not satisfied with the product we'll refund your money. [EVENT] .......... that you are not satisfied with the product your money will be refunded.
In the unlikely event
They put Roger in charge of health and safety at the factory. [MADE] Roger .......... for health and safety in the factory.
was made responsible
He's likely to lose his job if he keeps disagreeing with his boss. [DANGER] If he keeps disagreeing with his boss, he's .......... from his job.
in danger of getting sacked/fired
The Government recently said our problems are the fault of the worldwide economic slowdown. [PLACED] The Government have .......... the worldwide economic slowdown for our problems.
placed the blame on
You led me to believe the job was mine if I wanted it. [IMPRESSION] I .......... that the job was mine if I wanted it.
was under the impression
The company is almost certain to get the contract. [EVERY] The company stands .......... the contract.
every chance of getting
To help run the exhibition next month, we need at least six people. [REQUIRED] No .......... to help us run the exhibition next month.
fewer than six people are required
A common belief is that British people cannot speak foreign languages very well. [WEAK] British people are commonly believed to .......... foreign languages.
be weak at speaking
It took Layla five minutes to find her car keys. [SPENT] Layla .......... for her car keys.
spent five minutes looking
I can't deny that I was embarrassed to be given the award. [NO] There's .......... embarrassment at being given the award.
no denying my
Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. [PUT] 'I am not willing .......... from my colleagues any longer, ' said Delia.
to put up with any rudeness
At the beginning of the programme the panel of experts discussed the media and its importance in education. [DISCUSSION] The panel of experts started the programme .......... the media and its importance in education.
with a discussion about
Sarah cried her eyes out immediately when she was told she'd failed her driving test. [BROKE] Sarah .......... soon as she heard she'd failed her driving test.
broke down in tears as
I'm sure we went the wrong way at the last junction. [TAKEN] We must .......... at the junction.
have taken the wrong turn
We wanted to continue our mountain trek but the weather was too bad. [LIKE] We .......... on with our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
would like to have carried
No changes will be made to this project. [AHEAD] This project will .......... to plan.
go ahead according
The company has a good reputation in the local area. [HIGHLY] The company .......... in the local area.
is highly spoken of
My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. [RECOLLECTION] My grandfather didn't .......... phoning me last night.
have any recollection of
Pay claims must be submitted before the end of the month. [PUT] You have .......... your pay claims before the end of the month.
to put in
The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees. [COUNT] The company's employees shouldn’t .......... allocated a car-parking space.
count on being
He no longer thinks he can find a job before the end of the year. [HOPE] He has given .......... a job before the end of the year.
up hope of finding
I'm sure Jemma is going to become a famous model one day. [MATTER] I think it's only .......... Jemma becomes a famous model.
a matter of time before
I think learning to use a typewriter is a waste of time. [POINT] I can’t .......... how to use a typewriter.
see the point in learning
Darius soon recovered after the operation on his knee and was able to rejoin the team. [MADE] After the operation on his knee, Darius .......... and was able to rejoin the team.
made a fast recovery
It was a mistake not to write the telephone number down. [POINT] I should .......... writing down the telephone number.
have made a point of
If Marc hadn’t taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. [NAME] If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have .......... as an art historian.
made a name for himself
Yesterday I informed my boss in writing that I would be leaving the company. [NOTICE] I .......... to my boss yesterday.
handed in my notice
He answered the judge's questions as accurately as he could. [ACCURATE] He gave .......... to the judge's question.
as accurate an answer
The ban on parking in the city centre is probably going to be very unpopular. [LIKELY] It ............. ban in the city centre will be a very unpopular move.
is likely that the parking
Hilary was asked to give an explanation for making the mistake. [WHY] Hilary was asked to ......... the mistake.
explain why she made
If you don't pay on time, your booking will be cancelled. [RESULT] Failure to ....... your booking being cancelled.
pay on time will result in